Respect voor dieren

maandag 6 juli 2015

Waarom dieractivist?

Why I'm An Animal Rights Activist When There Is So Much Human Suffering In The World

-Abuse of animals is accepted by the same moral community that rejects the abuse of humans. 

-Nonhuman animals are conscious, intelligent, emotional beings. 

-The degree and scale of the suffering involved in animal agriculture in particular is beyond anything humanity has ever endured. 

-Animal rights advocates don't just advocate for the rights of chimps or cows or fish. They advocate for a more compassionate world for all beings.

-I became an animal rights advocate not because I don't care about humanity, but because so few people care about the nonhuman animals. 

-Being an animal rights activist is not about limiting our compassion to nonhumans, it's about extending our circle of compassion to include all beings who can suffer. 

-I am an animal advocate quite simply because it is the animals who need me the most.

1 opmerking:

  1. Iedereen die Engels leest raad ik van harte aan de beide artikelen te lezen waarnaar wordt verwezen. Ze zijn een steun in de rug voor de dieren en natuurlijk ook voor de veganisten.
