Respect voor dieren

vrijdag 18 september 2015

Aktion T 4

Science in Hell 1942-1945

Chapters 25 to 28, the science of extermination and human experiment comes into play. 
Hitler's plot in sterilization and racial hygiene becomes forced euthanasia. Even school children were exposed to teachings of euthanasia through explanation of cost of useless existences. Such advocates were Hitler's planned propaganda. 

Later on, Hitler started to kill children with mental and physical deformities by lethal injection. 

Moreover, Hitler started human experiments in his death camps in which subjects humans as experiment medium. 

Trials of untested drugs and experiments were conducted without any consent of the people. 

Nazi scientists exploited especially Jewish people who they thought were worthless, including Gypsies, the retarded, homosexuals, and people with incurable diseases. 

Examples of experiments include hepatitis experiments towards Jewish children, and neuropathological experiments. 

Also, prisoners of war were forced with tests which measured human's physical capabilities to bear harsh situations. 

Women were subjected to transplant experiments including organs, bones, and nerves.

John Cornwell, Hitler's Scientists


2 opmerkingen:

  1. Overigens werden in die tijd ook mensen in Japan, de VS en Zweden het slachtoffer van eugenetica.

  2. In dezelfde tijd werden in Japan, Zweden en de VS ook immorele proeven op mensen gehouden. Epileptici werden gedwongen gesteriliseerd. In Zweden waren vooral Laplanders het slachtoffer van die praktijken, in de VS negers. In Amerika gingen die proeven tot na de Tweede Wereldoorlog door.
