The Intergroup for Animal Welfare and Conservation during its last session in Strasbourg discussed the issue of animal testing and expressed their extreme concern that new legislative proposals continue to promote animal testing.
The Intergroup calls for a comprehensive EU strategy to be included in the 7th Environment Action Programme to ensure the number of animals used will decrease and ultimately be fully replaced by alternatives.
As part of such a strategy any impact assessment prepared by the Commission should consider the effect on the number of animals used as a result of introducing a new policy. This would avoid the situation where new policies, such as on cloning for food, GMO testing, nanotechnology would increase animal use.
"The Commission must act now and rapidly develop a clear strategy to reduce animal testing. This should be based on the position outlined in our Report on the 7th Environmental Action programme,” commented Daciana Sârbu MEP.
“We are also extremely alarmed that the Commission is still considering whether to allow derogations under the Cosmetics Directive to allow continued animal testing. There are more enough ingredients available that have already been tested and approved today without allowing further animal suffering to develop more,” she added.
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